Wednesday 5 August 2015

Top 10 Elton John Songs

I am an Elton John fan, and I make no secret of it. I only started listening to him in February, but I've been hooked ever since. His lyrics, his melodies, it's all incredible to me. So I figured, why not rank the songs that I think are his best?

10) Sad Songs Say So Much

This one's quite a recent discovery for me, but that doesn't make it any less awesome.

FAVOURITE LYRIC/S- 'We can share the troubles we already know'

9) Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

Even if you're not an Elton John fan, you probably know this sad. It was made famous in the Lion King, and it still gives me chills to this day.

FAVOURITE LYRIC/S- 'There's a calm surrender to the rush of day'

8) I Can't Stay Alone Tonight

This is the most recent of Elton's work to be included on the list. This song was included on his 2013 album 'The Diving Board'. From what I've seen, his newer work does seem a lot weaker. Regardless, I really liked this song! It gives me some hope that he's still got it in him to write a good song.

FAVOURITE LYRIC/S- 'Time never seems to be on my side'

7) Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me

This song came to me at a time when it was really relevant. I felt really disappointed in myself, like I'd let myself down. So this song did help me to register those feelings.

FAVOURITE LYRIC/S- 'I've looked inside myself, but it's somebody else I see'

6) Candle In The Wind

Written about the late Marilyn Monroe (Also re-written for Princess Diana), this is a touching tribute to one of Hollywood's most tragic stars.

FAVOURITE LYRICS/S- 'Goodbye Norma Jean, from the man in the 22nd row, who sees you as more than sexual'

5) Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

This one's a little out there, given the title. But still worth a listen.

FAVOURITE LYRIC/S- 'You can't plant me in your pent-house, I'm going back to my plough'

4) I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues

This was the first Elton John song I'd ever heard, so it holds a special place in my heart. 

FAVOURITE LYRIC/S- 'Laughing like children, living like lovers, rolling like thunder'

3) Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word

This one was discovered at the same time as Number 4. This one is a little more depressing, and it suited me well at the time, because I liked somebody who didn't like me back.

FAVOURITE LYRIC/S- 'What do I do when lightning strikes me, and I awake to find you're not there'

2) American Triangle

This song is another recent discovery, and this tackles Homophobia. Elton doesn't usually get politically or socially conscious in his music, but this is definitely an awesome song.

FAVOURITE LYRIC/S- 'Western Skies don't make it right, home of the brave don't make no sense'

Honourable Mentions-  'Circle of Life', 'I'm Still Standing', 'Tiny Dancer', 'Rocket Man' 

1) Your Song 

Everybody and their mother knows this song, and everybody loves it. It's his finest work.

FAVOURITE LYRIC/S- 'How wonderful life is while you're in the world'

Monday 20 July 2015

Weird Shit People Write 3: 'Michael Jackson in Hell!'

A lot of these blogs are very religious centred. I don't intend to keep doing that for all of these, but they give such good material! And this one is no exception. From the mind-numbingly stupid 'CreationScienceStudy' website (That title itself, is an oxymoron...), we have a pile of idiocy, inaccuracy and ideology!

Let's begin!

Damn! King of Hell after only six years? Hitler must be really jealous! 

And 'the young generation'? I'm pretty sure the generation he would have 'corrupted' aren't young anymore. In fact, they're most likely middle aged by now.

So much wrong...

Michael Jackson was never a Mormon. Where they got that from, I don't know. He was raised as a Jehovah's Witness, and he became a Christian. There were some rumours he converted to Islam, but those are largely unfounded. Where does Mormonism come into this?..

He believed in the cleansing of sin through changing his skin colour? Not that he had a skin condition or anything...oh wait, yes he did!

Worshipped Darwinism? There is literally no mention of Michael Jackson ever supporting the theory of Evolution. He kept out of issues like that, hence why you won't find him pledging support for Gay Marriage, the Iraq War or other such issues.

Michale Jackson, in his evil crusade against Christianity, decided to...make himself look like a monkey...


There's no need to comment here..

Didn't worship Darwin for one..

Homosexual acts = Pedophilia?

And yet again, I must add, he was found innocent in a court of law, and accusers have admitted they made it up!

God must be really easily offended, if he can't handle Michael Jackson.

'Beat it' is about masturbation. Oh, because of the title? That sounds like a joke a ten year old would make...

'I'm Bad' (It's called 'Bad' by the way...) is about sinning...or, being a bad-ass. Do these people actually listen to the songs?

'Thriller' is about pagan rituals. DESPITE THE WARNING AT THE START SAYING 'Due to my strong personal convictions, I want to stress that this video in no way endorses a belief in the occult'

So yeah, fact-checking may not be 'CreationScienceStudy' 's area of expertise...

You might be a Liberal if...

Because I like making fun of everybody...

You might be a liberal if:

  • A Confederate Flag offends you more than an ISIS flag
  • Christian bakers are persecuting people, but Islamic extremists slip under your radar
  • A clump of cells on Mars is life, but a foetus in the womb isn't
  • Legalising a drug is a top priority
  • You think people opposed to Barrack Obama are racist
  • You think people opposed to Hillary Clinton are sexist
  • You oppose guns, but your security have them (This is a celebrity special!)
  • You oppose Indiana's Religious freedom laws, but go and do business with Saudi Arabia, where they kill gay people (Here's looking at you, Tim Cook...)

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Weird Shit People Write 2: 'Taylor Swift- Fearlessly Lewd!'

This is the first of many a blog post, about the insane website ''

In case you don't know (Oh, how unfortunate that you don't!), this is a site run by a nut-job Christian which has thousands upon thousands of pages, on many subjects. He criticizes every religion on Earth, every celebrity on Earth and every country on Earth. A little like the Westboro Baptist Church, but going solo.

You know, fine if this guy wants to write about that stuff, because some of it's worth writing about. There is too much sexual imagery in the media, religions do cause problems, and some celebrities don't set good examples. But this guy takes those somewhat reasonable points, and blows them up into massive apocalyptic ramblings. And I mean RAMBLINGS. This guy can cannot keep focus at all.

Let's begin with.... *Reads title and groans* 'Taylor Swift- Fearlessly Lewd!'

Again, I must ask. Why do Conservative Americans care more about sexual promiscuity, than the murder of countless of people? Not that I promote being so sexually active you get STDs, but when people are being bombed across the world, it's not as big a deal. Priorities, you know?

Also, Sex Education?!! Oh no!! *Pulls out holy water*

Is Taylor Swift REALLY that sexually suggestive? Most of her songs seem to be really tame, by modern music standards. I've yet to see her sing about her ass...well, unless you think of 'Shake It Off' in an alternative way...

Almost instantly, David's gone off on a tangent. He begins ranting about the evils of Feminism. And quoting a bunch of Evangelical preachers.

I'd bet anything, that these guys would turn around and call Muslims "Misogynists", at the drop of the hat, just because it'd suit their views.

'Rich whore instead of a poor lady', you want your daughter to grow up to be poor, David?

And again, David's off on a rant about poor Ellen DeGeneres. He loves emphasizing that 'she married another woman'. Like yeah, David...being a 'flaming homosexual' would kind of carry that implication. 

I'm sorry, but Taylor, at most, wears slightly revealing clothes. Compared to most female celebrities, she's relatively modest. Surely criticizing Paris Hilton is more relevant to the 'issue' at hand?

Really? You don't condemn anyone? Your site tells another story!!

And this guy is no saint. In January 2009, he was arrested for having sex with a underage girl. Maybe that 'I'm the biggest sin I know' line is actually honest!

This is the tip of the iceberg with this nauseating insanity. There is a lot more to come from A LOT MORE...

Sunday 12 July 2015

Weird Shit People Write 1: '43 Celebrities Going to Hell Right Now'

As an Atheist, I don't believe in Hell. But if you do, that's fine. I can get why you'd think Murderers and Pedophiles deserve punishment. But some people take that a step too far, in my opinion. And they begin damning everybody who's different from them, straight to Hell.

This is case with this hilariously bad article. From 'helltruth.blogspot', this list will make your head hurt. Also, I love how they went with 43. Couldn't they have thought of an extra 7 celebrities, to make it a less awkward number? I mean, just add members of the Kardashian family. Done.

Let's begin!

Right, so I'm a big Michael Jackson fan. And it's really frustrating to have to defend him on every occasion, from these rumors. Obviously I can't be 100% certain they're false, but I feel there is enough evidence to support his innocence. Anyhow, it really shows how desperate the writer was to damn Michael to Hell. All he could come up with, was something that was alleged.

In the video attached to the article (With the celebrities pictures playing over flames), he lists Michael as a 'Pedophile/Muslim (?)' The implication that being a Muslim would send someone to Hell is troubling enough. But again, it's alleged. And very weakly so, as it originated from a Tabloid newspaper. 

So in conclusion, Michael's reasons for going to Hell, according to this blogger, are both very iffy.

You have to really be running low on ideas, if you have to go back 50 years to find a celebrity. What you'll notice is that this writer HATES pornography. But his ideas of pornography seem to be very general. I always imagine it to be Paris Hilton stuff, on video or something. 

Apparently showing a little bit of shoulder counts as pornography. Well, the 50's were a different time I guess. 

Again with the nudity (See, there are better words than...nakedness. What are you, an eight year old choir boy?) Disrespect? For the law, perhaps. Shouldn't her self destructive addictions be more of a cause for worry, than how she dresses? 

This guy is really scraping the bottom of the barrel, when he has to go for relatives of famous people. Yeah, Jermaine Jackson was in the Jackson Five. But what's he done recently? Aside from be the "Muslim One" in the Jackson family.

Speaking of which, that's why he's on this list! Because he's a Muslim. It makes me laugh though, because a Muslim counterpart could do a list like this. And they could put lots of Christian celebrities on. You can't win I guess.

I highly, HIGHLY doubt Hugh Hefner gives a crap. He really seems to like stuff of a...*cough* Un-Christian nature, so chances are, he would like it in Hell.

Why is it always Ellen who's getting attacked on the account of being gay? Sure, she was the first to come out on TV, but she's hardly obnoxious about it. And she seems like a perfectly pleasant person, hasn't bashed religion in the media or anything of that sort. 

The writer seems to think the twinkle of humanity in 'here' eyes are mockery. Yeah, and her haircut is a pagan symbol too... saw correctly. Hitler made it onto this list. ADOLF HITLER. Responsible for the deaths of millions. He is on a list, alongside Ellen DeGeneres and Michael Jackson. Hardly fair is it?

And since when has Hitler been a celebrity? Has he been on the cover of 'PEOPLE' magazine? I can just picture the headlines...




You'd think that if Historical figures count as celebrities, more of them would have made it onto this list. I think Stalin, Charles Manson and Genghis Khan are more worthy of a spot than Tom Cruise, Rosie O'Donnell or Steve Jobs.

If you want to read the creepiness for yourself, click the link below (Don't know why you'd want to ...) 

Saturday 11 July 2015

You might be a Republican if....

Through my ever so curious nature, I have come across many Right-Wing Facebook pages. And not to be crude, but holy shit are they full of idiots. Your run of the mill Republican looks about a day away from Dementia, and still uses 'Communist' in their day to day language (As an insult of course!)

Now, I'm not a liberal person. Liberals piss me off too (And there'll be a blog post about them). I'm quite a middle of the road person, for the most part. I just figured it'd be fun to poke fun at both sides.

You might be a Republican if...

  • You're Pro-Life until they're out the womb
  • God will punish America for Gay Marriage, but not for killing the Native Americans
  • You believe God gave us the Earth, so we should pollute and destroy it
  • Not feeding the hungry is the Christian thing to do
  • Israel is your second favourite country (After America, of course!)
  • You suddenly care about Animal Rights when it comes to criticizing Halal slaughter
  • Obama is responsible for the Benghazi Attacks, but Bush isn't responsible for 9/11
  • You say 'I have gay friends but...'
  • You say 'I have black friends but...'
  • You think Christianity is going to be made illegal in America
  • You think Obama's a Muslim
  • You respect the Troops, unless they're gay
  • You think you're a Christian country, but you'd vote for a Mormon

Saturday 16 May 2015

Prayer on Hold

I asked for Faith I asked for Glory I asked for a happy ending to my story I asked for love I asked for grace I asked for peace in the human race
But none of it was to be None of it was destiny For you see, my prayer is on hold My prayer is on hold
Tick tock, goes the clock Prayer's still not answered All I wanted was something better As it drags on Start to feel alone Like I'm speaking to the ceiling in my room But I guess I just say My prayer is on hold
When is my answer coming? I'm getting awful scared Is there somebody listening? Or is there no-one there? My prayer's been delayed for a while now I think it's about time That I got the answers To the questions I've had all my life But I just suppose My Prayer's on hold